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Sacramental process

Mary Queen of the family Catholic Parish has a comprehensive annual Sacramental Program for children. The order of the sacraments is Baptism, Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and then Confirmation.


The preparation for each of these sacraments involves an individual enrolment, and a preparation program led by parish team and volunteers. The enrolment procedure is an online process explained below.


The following information provides an overview of the process of registering for the sacramental process and information for the parents and candidates.


Children in Year 3 and above (aged eight years and over), who are already baptised, are eligible to participate in our Parish Sacramental process. However, as a parent, you know your child best, and may wish to wait a little longer if you feel that your child is not yet ready to partake in this process.


At Baptism, your child began a life-long journey and a way of life.


In order for a child to commence the sacramental process at Mary Queen of the Family Catholic Parish, the following must be completed:

  • The child must be baptised prior to receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

  • Proof of Baptism must be provided to the Parish.

  • The child must be in Year 3 or above (aged eight or over).

  • The child needs to be registered online for the program (as below).


The child, along with their parent or carer, must participate in a preparation process for the Sacrament. Without the parents/guardians support, we could not offer a family-centred approach to this Sacrament.


The expectation is that the candidate, along with one of their parent/s or guardian/s, will attend all formation sessions.


There are three parent/s / guardian/s sessions, three family workshops and Mass after each workshop.


The Sacramental Process


In Year 3 the children will be prepared for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Reconciliation is a Sacrament of forgiveness and celebrates God’s love and mercy towards us. It is about acknowledging and naming those times when we know we have done wrong, and then making peace and restoring the relationships with those who have been affected by our poor choices.


In Year 4 the children will be prepared and receive their First Eucharist. 

Eucharist is unique among the Sacraments as it is at the heart of our faith. For Catholics, the Eucharist, or Mass, is the most powerful way we encounter the real presence of Jesus Christ. Sunday after Sunday (some, of course, gather everyday), Catholics gather to celebrate the Eucharist, the ritual in which, by the power of the Holy Spirit, bread and wine are transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ. We who celebrate are also transformed, becoming Christ’s presence to others, and recognising the presence of Christ in others.


In Year 5 the children will be prepared for the Sacrament of  Confirmation.  Confirmation completes Baptism, by which in the laying on of hands and the anointing with Chrism Oil, which first happened at Baptism, we are confirmed with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. We are reminded of our participation in the ministry and mission of Jesus, and strengthened to follow Jesus more closely.



Mary Queen of the Family also offers a high school Sacramental process which is open to all high school students from Year 7 to 12.

This process involves candidates attending eight sessions on a Tuesday afternoon. This process will go through the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation.  


If your child has additional needs, please contact the Parish office so we can work with your family to find the best way to support you and your child during preparation for the Sacraments.


Schedule of Sacramental Process









Pre-enrolment Requirements


You will need the following before making your online enrolment:


A copy of your child's Baptism certificate (If your child was not baptised at Mary Queen of the Family Parish).

Baptism certificate will be requested during online registration. 


If your child was baptised in a non-Catholic Christian denomination, please contact our sacramental coordinator via the contact details below.


Donation for Sacramental Process

The recommended donation for each Sacrament is $50.00* per child. The Parish request's a donation for each Sacramental process to cover the costs of providing books, additional resources, and administrative costs. This donation is not for receiving the Sacrament - it is simply the only way that our Parish can afford to run our Sacramental process. If you are in need of financial assistance or cannot make a donation, please contact our sacramental coordinator to discuss this matter. 


* Plus surcharge if using Paypal, BPoint or Eftpos payment. i.e $51.80 


Online Enrolment
Each child needs to be enrolled in the process via an online registration process.


Online registration forms for sacramental process are available now! Please click links below.

A printable registration form is also available to download and may be completed and return to the parish office attached with the child's Baptism certificate. 


If your child is eligible to participate in multiple sacraments, please complete online registration form for each Sacrament.






Gerald "Ged" Oblea

Sacramental Coordinator
Address: Parish Office - 51- 59 Allawah St Blacktown 2148
Ph: (02) 9622 1125
Mobile Number: 0422 724 008

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